Spike's Closet

Spike's Closet

Monday, November 22, 2010

November 22, 2010

Well I had to include this handsome picture of my brother Lincoln in my post today!   He just got a bath and is playing at the park.  

My boy likes the beach and often we ride down to the beach and hang out on the rocks!   I ride in the basket and usually dress to go out.  I get cold, especially riding on the bike and hey, I'm a stylish dude too!  Check out my polka dots!

Lincoln and I both love to dig in the sand, and we both get pretty excited about it.  Hey Lincoln back off!  This is my hole!

There is nothing I like better in the whole wide world than to take a nap in a cozy spot in the house.   As close to one of my people as I can get if they are sitting or laying down.

Lincoln loves a good nap too!